Teambuilding through Rituals and Fun
Why do we join groups? What keeps us coming back? The sense of community and the fun we have together. Remember, we are all here to have fun! So taking the time to create fun and community is key to the ongoing success of the group.
Check In Question - We like to start each meeting in a circle, reminding ourselves of the norms, and answering a low stakes check in question in character. They are silly, like “ What does your character eat for breakfast?” or “ When is your characters’ birthday?” It allows us to get into the role and chat with our neighbors.
Check Out - In the last few minutes, we gather back together to hear an announcements, collect any dice or character sheets, etc. We also do a check out, where people can tell about something awesome someone else in their group did this session.
Fan Art - Some of our players are amazing artists. We like to display art that our players have drawn up on the wall.
Level Up Rituals - When players complete their first adventure, we “knight” them and give them their own d20 to keep. We also mark the end of the year with superlative awards, presented by the DMs, and special dice given to the DMs by Culliope.
Celebrations/Parties - We love to party! Mix it up sometimes with a holiday party, a table level trivia contest or relay race, or anything else to build community.
Snacks - If you have money, spend it on this. Middle schoolers love to eat and get hangry.
Toix, OC by Emily C-H.